A An overview of the Manual and its Purpose
1. Background
2. Purpose
3. Relevance
4. Language
5. Monitoring and evaluation guidelines
6. Hints for successful learning sessions
B Training Framework for Energy Activities
1. Energy technology and development issues
2. Energy technology design and generation
3. Technology choice
4. Technology transfer and dissemination
5. Monitoring and evaluating energy programmes
C Training Themes and Topics
Theme One: Energy Technology and Development Issues
1.1. Planning household energy initiatives
1.2. Participatory planning for energy projects
Theme Two: Technology Design and Generation
1.3. Gender concern in technology design and generation
1.4. Mudstove design and gender considerations
1.5. Ceramic stove production
1.6. Kiln construction and use
Theme Three: Energy Technology Choice
1.7. Appropriate technology choice
1.8. Implications of income availability on technology choice
Theme Four: Energy Technology Transfer
1.9. Dissemination and delivery strategies
1.10. Promoting energy technologies through commercialization
Theme Five: Monitoring and Evaluating Energy programmes
1.11. Formulating garner sensitive indicators