430 Where There Is No Doctor 2011
Child-to-Child Trust
Institute of Education
20 Bedford Way
London WC1H 0AL
United Kingdom
tel: 44 20 7612 6649
fax: 44 20 7612 6645
e-mail: ccenquiries@ioe.ac.uk
website: www.child-to-child.org
Materials for teachers and health workers
to involve children in health promotion
Christian Medical Association of India
A-3 Local Shopping Centre
Janakpuri, New Delhi 110 058
tel: 91 11 25599991
fax: 91 11 25598150
e-mail: cmai@cmai.org, cmaidel@vsnl.com
website: www.cmai.org
Health and community development
resources, including the Contact
newsletter of the World Council of
DEMOTECH – Designs for Self-Reliance
Biesenwal 3
6211 AD Maastricht
The Netherlands
tel: 31 6174 77177
e-mail: info@demotech.org
website: www. demotech.org
Educational material for sanitation and
water systems, innovative education
ENDA – Environmental Development
Action in the Third World
B.P. 3370
tel: 221 823 6391
fax: 221 823 5157, 822 2695
e-mail: dif-enda@enda.sn
website: www.enda.sn
French language information and
materials for grassroots development,
including health and appropriate
Health Action Information Network
#26 Sampaguita Ave., Mapayapa Village II
Barangay Holy Spirit
Quezon City 1127
tel: 63 2 952 6312
fax: 63 2 952 6409
e-mail: hain@hain.org, hain1985@gmail.com
website: www.hain.org
Books and newsletters on a variety of
health topics.
Helen Keller International
352 Park Avenue South,12th Floor
New York, NY 10010
tel from US (toll free): 1 877 535 5374
tel: 1 212 532 0544
fax: 1 212 532 6014
e-mail: info@hki.org
website: www.hki.org
Material on blindness from lack of vitamin
A. Information on blindness prevention
and visual chart.