Where There Is No Doctor 2011
health guides
Published by:
Hesperian Health Guides
1919 Addison St., #304
Berkeley, California 94704 • USA
hesperian@hesperian.org • www.hesperian.org
Copyright © 1977, 1992, 2011 by Hesperian
First English edition: October 1977
Revised English edition: May 1992
Twelfth printing: October 2011
ISBN: 978-0-942364-15-6
The original English version of this book was produced in
1977 as a revised translation of the Spanish edition, Donde
no hay doctor.
Hesperian encourages others to copy, reproduce, or adapt to
meet local needs, any or all parts of this book, including the
illustrations, provided the parts reproduced are distributed
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Any organization or person who wishes to copy, reproduce, or
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Hesperian would appreciate receiving a copy of any materials
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This book has been printed in the USA by Quad Graphics on
100% post-consumer, chlorine-free, recycled paper.
If you are a community
health worker, doctor,
mother, or anyone with ideas
or suggestions for ways this
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to better meet the needs
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write to Hesperian at the
above address. Thank you
for your help.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
The Library of Congress has already cataloged the 10-digit ISBN as follows:
Werner, David, 1934-
Where there is no doctor: a village health care handbook
by David Werner; with Carol Thuman and Jane Maxwell-Rev. ed.
Includes Index.
ISBN 0-942364-15-5
1. Medicine, Popular. 2. Rural health. I. Thuman, Carol,
1959-. II. Maxwell, Jane, 1941-. III Title.
[DNLM: 1. Community Health Aides-handbooks. 2. Medicine-popular works.
3. Rural Health-handbooks. WA 39 W492W]
RC81.W4813 1992 610-dc20