Green Pages Where There Is No Doctor 2011 387
WARNING: Many antitoxins are made from horse
serum, such as some tetanus antitoxins and the
antivenoms for snakebite and scorpion sting. With
these there is a risk of causing a dangerous allergic
reaction (allergic shock, see p. 70). Before you inject
a horse serum antitoxin, always have epinephrine
ready in case of an emergency. In persons who
are allergic, or who have been given any kind of
antitoxin made of horse serum before, it is a good
idea to inject an antihistamine like promethazine
(Phenergan) or diphenhydramine (Benadryl)
15 minutes before giving the antitoxin. When treating
for snake, insect, or other bites, also give tetanus
Scorpion antitoxin or antivenom
Name:__________________ price:________ for_ ______
Often comes lyophilized (in powdered form) for
Different antivenoms are produced for scorpion
sting in different parts of the world. In Mexico,
Laboratories BIOCLON produces Alacramyn.
Antivenoms for scorpion sting should be used
only in those areas where there are dangerous or
deadly kinds of scorpions. Antivenoms are usually
needed only when a small child is stung, especially
if stung on the main upper part of the body or head.
To do most good, the antivenom should be injected
as soon as possible after the child has been stung.
Antivenoms usually come with full instructions.
Follow them carefully. Small children often need
more antivenom than larger children. Two or 3 vials
may be necessary.
Most scorpions are not dangerous to adults.
Because the antivenom itself has some danger in
its use, it is usually better not to give it to adults.
Snakebite antivenom or antitoxin
Name:__________________ price:________ for_ ______
Often comes in: bottles or kits for injection
Antivenoms, or medicines that protect the
body against poisons, have been developed for
the bites of poisonous snakes in many parts of
the world. If you live where people are sometimes
bitten or killed by poisonous snakes, find out what
antivenoms are available, get them ahead of time,
and keep them on hand. Some antivenoms—those
in dried or ‘lyophilized’ form—can be kept without
refrigeration. Others need to be kept cold.
The following are distributors of antivenom
products in different parts of the world. In many
countries, antivenoms are available through the
North America: CrofabTM (Crotalidae Polyvalent
Immune Fab-Ovine) for rattlesnakes, copperheads,
cottonmouths, and water moccasins. From
Fougera, Inc., 800-645-9833,
Product information also from the manufacturer,
Protherics, (1) 615-327-1027, e-mail:,
Mexico, Central America, and South America:
Antivipmyn® and Antivipmyn tri® (Faboterapia
polivalente antiviperino) for rattlesnakes and other
pit vipers, as well as water moccasins, terciopelo,
massasauga, bush master, and others.
From Instituto Bioclon, Mexico, D.F.,
tel: (52) 5665-4111,
Antivenoms are also available from Instituto
Clodomiro Picado, Facultad de Microbiologia,
Universidad de Costa Rica, San Jose, Costa Rica,
tel: (506) 2229-0344,, and
Instituto Butantan, Sao Paulo, Brazil,
tel: (55) 11-3726-7222, fax: (55) 11-3726-1505,
South Africa: Boomslang antivenom, Echis
antivenom, polyvalent antivenoms for puff adder,
Gaboon adder, rinkhals, green mamba, Jameson’s
mamba, black mamba, cape cobra, forest cobra,
snouted cobra and Mozambique spitting cobra.
Also scorpion and spider antivenoms. From
South African Vaccine Producers (SAVP),
P.O. Box 28999, Sandringham 2131, Johannesburg,
South Africa, tel: (27) 11-386-6000,
fax: (27) 11-386-6016,
Egypt: Antivenoms for horned viper, Egyptian cobra,
black-necked spitting cobra, East African carpet
viper, and others. From
Vacsera, 51 Wezaret El Zeraha, Agouza, Giza, Egypt,
tel: (202) 376-111-11,
India: Antivenoms for Indian cobra, Indian krait,
Russell’s viper, Saw-scaled viper and others, from:
Haffkine Biopharmaceutical Co., Mumbai, India,
tel: (91) 22-412-9320, fax: (91) 22-416-8578,
Serum Institute of India, tel: (91) 20-269-93900,
fax: (91) 20-269-93921,
Indonesia: Antivenoms for branded krait, Malayan
pit viper, and Southern Indonesian spitting cobra.
Biofarma, Bandung, Indonesia,
tel: (62) 22-203-3755, fax: (62) 22-204-1306,