154 Where There Is No Doctor 2011
Preventing diarrhea:
Although diarrhea has many different causes, the most common are infection
and poor nutrition. With good hygiene and good food, most diarrhea could be
prevented. And if treated correctly by giving lots of drink and food, fewer children
who get diarrhea would die.
Diarrhea is also very dangerous for people with
HIV, especially children. Using cotrimoxazole can
prevent diarrhea in persons with HIV (see p. 357).
Children who are poorly nourished get
diarrhea and die from it far more often than
those who are well nourished. Yet diarrhea
itself can be part of the cause of malnutrition.
Malnutrition causes diarrhea.
Diarrhea causes malnutrition.
And if malnutrition already exists, diarrhea
rapidly makes it worse.
This results in a vicious circle, in which each makes the other worse. For this reason,
good nutrition is important in both the prevention and treatment of diarrhea.
Prevent diarrhea by preventing malnutrition.
Prevent malnutrition by preventing diarrhea.
To learn about the kinds of foods that help the body resist or fight off different
illnesses, including diarrhea, read Chapter 11.
The prevention of diarrhea depends both on good nutrition and cleanliness. Many
suggestions for personal and public cleanliness are given in Chapter 12. These
include the use of latrines, the importance of clean water, and the protection of foods
from dirt and flies.
Here are some other important suggestions for preventing
diarrhea in babies:
♦ Breastfeed rather than bottle feed babies. Give only
breast milk for the first 6 months. Breast milk helps
babies resist the infections that cause diarrhea. If it is not
possible to breastfeed a baby, feed her with a cup and
spoon. Do not use a baby bottle because it is harder to
keep clean and more likely to cause an infection.
♦ When you begin to give the baby new or solid food,
start by giving her just a little, mashing it well, and mixing
it with a little breast milk. The baby has to learn how to digest
new foods. If she starts with too much at one time, she may get
diarrhea. Do not stop giving breast milk suddenly. Start
with other foods while the baby is still breastfeeding.
♦ Keep the baby clean—and in a clean place. Try to
keep her from putting dirty things in her mouth.
♦ Do not give babies unnecessary medicines.
BreastfeedING HELPS