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< prev - next > Agriculture Cultivation Fruit Cultivation KnO 100587_yolanda_morales_growing_passion_fruit_in_peru (Printable PDF)
Farmers in Vilcahuaura, one of the many areas affected by the agrarian
reform in Peru, have introduced innovations in their farms by growing crops
that formerly did not exist in the area, casting aside their apathy and
informality. This has contributed to the growth of entire families devoted to
farming, who for the first time feel that having their own farms pays off.
Practical Action and its Technical Enquiry Service contributed to that
Vilcahuaura is a rural town situated in the Huara province of the Huaura district near the well-
known town of Huacho, north of Lima. It is noted for its extensive farmland, housing a
farming population less than three hours away from the progressive hustle and bustle of the
capital city. We went there in search of Yolanda Morales, a beneficiary of the Technical
Enquiries Service provided by Practical Action through its Spanish language website.
Yolanda Morales is 54
years old, although she
does not look it. Her skin
is tanned from working in
the field and she is now a
proud grandmother, but
she has the agility and
vitality of someone much
younger. She wears a cap
to protect her from the
strong rays of the summer
sun and she good-
naturedly expressed her
regret at not having
warned us to bring
mosquito repellent. “The
mosquitoes will have a
feast that will last three
days”, she joked.
Indeed, mosquitoes are part of the scenery in Vilcahuara, together with the huge pine trees on
the edge of the trail we had to cross over from the bus station in Huacho, where tiny farmers
loomed in the distance on the farm owned by Yolanda. She has lived in Huaura all her life and
remembers Vilcahuaura since it was the farming estate of the Perez Gallo family. “I was only
a child when they were the masters”, she remarked. “That is their house”, she said pointing to
a dilapidated colonial style building. “Only one member of the Perez Gallo family lives there
now and he has neglected it.”
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