Where to Get More Information 563
Growing Older
HelpAge International: www.helpage.org
PO Box 32832,
London N1 9ZN, UK
Tel: (44-20) 7278-7778; Fax: (44-20) 7713-7993
Free journals printed 2 times a year. HelpAge has a
network of over 50 organizations worldwide, working
to achieve a lasting improvement in the quality of life
for older persons.
International AIDS Women’s Caucus
(IAWC): www.aidswomencaucus.org
An international network of organizations and women
affected and infected by HIV and AIDS that advocates
at the international and regional level about the
impact of the HIV pandemic on women and girls.
IAWC works to fight against gender inequalities, which
have fueled the pandemic.
International HIV/AIDS Alliance:
Gives information on their website and provides print
materials to support and strengthen community-based
HIV programs around the world.
Women, Children and HIV:
Resources on the prevention and treatment of HIV
infection in women and children for health workers in
resource-poor settings.
Ecumenical Pharmaceutical Network:
An NGO network that shares information and training
on accessing essential medicines, rational use of
medicines, and organizing pharmaceutical services.
Health Action International (HAI):
Overtoom 60/III, 1054 HK
Amsterdam,The Netherlands
Tel: (31-20) 683-3684; Fax: (31-20) 685-5002
Email: info@haiweb.org
Works with partners around the world to promote
the rational distribution and use of medicines. A
newsletter, Practical Pharmacy, is published online by
HAI-Africa: www.haiafrica.org.
Reproductive Health
Campaign to End Fistula: Global
Network: www.fistulanetwork.org
UNFPA: Fistula Network
220 E. 42nd Street
New York, NY 10017, USA
Email: contact@fistulanetwork.org
A technical, information-sharing site for partners
working in fistula prevention, treatment and social
reintegration. Provides a forum for the exchange of
technical resources, current and planned research,
and new ideas.
Family Care International (FCI):
588 Broadway, Suite 503
New York, NY 10012, USA
Tel: (1-212) 941-5300; Fax: (1-212) 941-5563
Email: info@familycareintl.org
Publishes Healthy Women, Healthy Mothers, a book
on pregnancy and birth for health workers and others
who work with women at the community level. Easy to
read and well illustrated. Written for Africa, but useful
for all communities. In English and French. Available
for download only. Also from FCI, manuals in English
and French: Strengthen Communication Skills for
Women’s Health: A Training Guide; and Getting the
Message Out: Designing an Information Campaign on
Women’s Health.
Ipas: www.ipas.org
PO Box 5027,
Chapel Hill, NC 27516, USA
Tel: (1-919) 967-7052; Fax: (1-919) 929-0258
Email: ipas@ipas.org
Works to prevent death and injury from unsafe
abortion. Creates and distributes training materials,
MVA syringes and cannula, and other equipment.
Ipas has offices in many countries around the world.
Contact them for information or to find a local office.
Marie Stopes International:
153-157 Cleveland Street
London W1T 6QW, UK
Tel : (44-207) 574-7400; Fax: (44-207) 574-7417
Email: info@mariestopes.org.uk
Provides information and services for sexual health to
people around the world. Contact them to find a local
Where Women Have No Doctor 2012