Where to Get More Information 561
Where to get more information
Here is a selection of organizations, printed materials, and web-based resources that can provide useful
information about women’s health. We have listed organizations and materials that cover as many of the topics
in this book as possible, and that work in many parts of the world. Resources are listed according to topic.
You will find other books published by Hesperian helpful for finding more detailed information than we were
able to include in this book. Please see page 588 for information on: Where There Is No Doctor; A Book for
Midwives; HIV, Health and Your Community; A Health Handbook for Women with Disabilities; A Community Guide to
Environmental Health; and other useful titles.
You can also download Hesperian books for free and find information about various language editions on our
web site: www.hesperian.org.
Advocacy and Human Rights
International Gay and Lesbian Human
Rights Commission (IGLHRC):
International organization dedicated to human rights
advocacy on behalf of LGBT people.
ISIS International: www.isiswomen.org
Coordination office:
3 Marunong St. Barangay Central
Quezon City, 1100 Philippines
Tel: (63-2) 928-1956; Fax: (63-2) 924-1065
Email: info@isiswomen.org
Works with women’s groups around the world.
Publications, technical assistance and training in
communication skills and management.
People’s Health Movement:
An international network of people and organizations
led by the Global South and unified by the call for
health for all. PHM works to address underlying
social, cultural, and economic barriers to good health.
This includes insisting that all women have access
to appropriate primary health care and that their
reproductive rights are respected.
Women’s Global Network for Reproductive
Rights (WGNRR): www.wgnrr.org
Coordination Office:
13 Dao Street, Project 3
Barangay Quirino 3-A,
Quezon City, 1102 Philippines
Tel: (63-2) 913-6708; Fax: (63-2) 911-8293
Email: office@wgnrr.org
Networking with women’s groups around the
world; collecting and sharing information; quarterly
newsletter; international campaigns; monitoring
research in reproductive health. Send email for
information about the newsletter.
World YWCA: www.worldywca.org
Umbrella organization of the YWCA, a movement
of women around the world working for social and
economic change. Advocates for young women’s
leadership, peace, justice, human rights and sustainable
development, both on a grassroots and global scale.
It is the largest women’s organization in the world,
and the second oldest organization of its kind.
Reproductive Health Outlook:
Information on treatment and prevention of cervical
cancer for health workers in poor countries and low-
resource settings.
Community Health / General Health Issues
Aprovecho Research Center:
80574 Hazelton Rd,
Cottage Grove, OR 97424, USA
Tel: (1-541) 942-8198; Fax: (1-541) 942-0302
Information and training about low fuel cook stoves
as well as organic gardening, sustainable forestry, and
appropriate technology. Produces booklets describing
how to build several simple stoves.
Boston Women’s Health Book Collective:
5 Upland Road #3,
Cambridge, MA 02140, USA
Tel: (1-617) 245-0200; Fax: (1-617) 245-0201
Email: office@bwhbc.org
Publishers of the classic book Our Bodies, Ourselves
which provides complete information on women’s
health. Has been adapted into more than
20 languages.
Where Women Have No Doctor 2012