Grade Level: 4-6

OVERVIEW: Learning to make cookies is a fun activity that allows a teacher to use inductive teaching as well as reading, math, and writing. This activity also will help enhance the students' self concept, and understanding of the importance of learning basic reading, math, and writing skills.

PURPOSE: To help students better understand the practical application of reading, math, and writing in a daily living skill and working cooperatively with fellow classmates in order to complete a task.


1. List the ingredients, utensils, and steps in a basic chocolate chip recipe.
2. Evaluate the correctness of each list using a copy of the recipe.
3. Measure all liquid and dry ingredients.
4. Read recipe and follow steps to make cookies.

5. Write a copy of the recipe on the recipe card.

RESOURCES/MATERIALS NEEDED: Basic chocolate chip cookie recipe, with all ingredients, and utensils for making.


1. Put the students into groups of 4-6 students. Explain to the students that they are going to work on cooking activity. Divide into groups by having students pull a number or some other clever technique that allows for them to be randomly placed into a group. Give each group their job assignment by having them pull one out of a box or use some other technique to let them choose their assignment. There should be at least four groups. The assignments are to list all the ingredients, the utensils, steps, and evaluate all three list.

2. Give each group 15-20 minutes to work on task. Each group will select a recorder that writes down all the suggestions. Group 4 will be given a scrambled copy of the recipe. Their task will be to classify the groups of work into a list and place the steps in the correct order.

3. Have the groups report back to the class. The group recorder of the group with the ingredients list would write their list on the chalkboard. The other students would discuss and modify if necessary. Group 4 would evaluate modified list and modify if necessary. The group recorder of the group with the ingredients list would copy final list on a piece of paper. The same procedure is used with groups 2 and 3. Day two:
4. Students get back into groups and are given a copy of the cookie recipe. Students help take ingredients and utensils to the kitchen. The teacher goes over safety procedures in cooking.
5. Teacher randomly assigns the four task which are to gather utensils and prepare for use, gather dry ingredients and measure, gather liquids, solids, and other ingredients and measure, and follow directions to make cookies.
6. While the group assigned to prepare the cookies is working, the other students are writing a copy of the recipe on a recipe card for themselves.
7. While the cookies are baking, the students in that group can be writing a copy of the recipe for themselves. The other students can be helping to clean up area and utensils.

8. Students decide an appropriate time to eat cookies with teacher's input.


1. Have students write down the recipe for another type of cookie such as oatmeal cookies.
2. Have students cut the recipe in half as a group.
3. Have students write an informative paragraph about how to make cookies.
4. Have groups of student give demonstration speeches on how to make a particular type of cookie.
5. Use with a literature unit on fairy tales (gingerbread boy or Hansel and Gretel). Have students make gingerbread boys or houses out of cookies and candies.

6. Have students create their own cookie recipe and name for it.


  • This lesson may be used with any recipe that the teacher is able to obtain all of the ingredients for.
  • A recipe could be chosen which does not necessarily involve actual cooking.
  • The children can practice by writing down some of the favorite recipes from their home.
  • Recipes can be gathered in order to create a cookbook.
AUTHOR: Marlene Reed; Smith Center Elementary, KS