I've Got Your Number
Grade Level: 4-6

OVERVIEW This activity can be used as a review of material covered in any subject. The number of items can be increased or decreased as needed.

PURPOSE To review material covered in a fun way. The students pay close attention because they're never sure when their answer will be called.

OBJECTIVE Students will review concepts, facts, or other skills.

RESOURCES/MATERIALS Cards. Series of problems or questions.

ACTIVITIES AND PROCEDURES Prepare a set of cards. To make a set of cards, plan a series of problems, making sure not to duplicate any of the answers. Starting with the first card, write a problem on the lower half of the card. The answer is on the top of the next card along with the next problem. Continue generating problems until you have at least one card for each student. A card or cards are dealt to each player. Choose one student to start the activity by reading the problem on the bottom of this card to the class. All other students listen carefully to see if their card contains the answer. The student who has the answer reads the answer aloud and then reads the rest of his card to the class. Again, all students listen to see if their card has the answer. Play continues until all cards have been answered and the person who started the review would have the answer to the last problem read. Note: If the class is very large it has to be divided into subgroups of reasonable size and accordingly different sets of sample questions could be set for each subgroup so that all students get the opportunity to participate.

Sample questions.

2: (at top of card) I have two. Who has nine times this number?

18: (at top of card) I have eighteen. Subtract three from this. What is the answer?

15: I have fifteen. Divide this number by three. What's the answer?

5: I have five. Multiply this number by four. What is the answer?

20: I have twenty. Subtract seventeen from this. Who has the answer?

3: I have three. Multiply this number by seven. What's the answer?

21: I have twenty-one. Who has ten more than this number?

31: I have thirty-one. Subtract twenty from this. What is your answer?

11: I have eleven. Multiply this number by six and add four to the product, what is our answer?

70: I have seventy. What is half of that?

35: I have thirty-five. Add one to this number and divide the sum by nine. Who has that number?

4: I have four. Triple this number and multiply the product by two. What do you have?

24: I have twenty-four. What is this number multiplied by three?

72: I have seventy-two. Subtract twelve. What is your answer?

60: I have sixty. Divide this number by ten. What is your answer?

6: I have six. Multiply this number by nine. What is your answer?

54: I have fifty-four. What is fourteen less than this number?

40: I have forty. Subtract the number of sides of a square. What is your answer?

36: I have thirty-six. What is ten less than this number?

26: I have twenty-six. Subtract two dozen from this. What is the answer?


  • Lesson may be adapted for younger and older grades with appropriate questions.
  • The teacher may have to closely monitor the game in order to make sure that the students do not wait too long if one student does not realize they have the correct answer on their card.
  • Advanced students can make new sets of cards to be used by the entire class at a later time.
AUTHOR: Paula Daniel; Payson Elementary, AZ http://www.col-ed.org/cur/