with Money
Level: 1-5
of the activities that the students would be involved in would be an extension
of the same skills that children in the previous grades would be doing.
I chose estimation because it lends to developing many different strategies
to arrive at an answer. I also feel that not enough time is spent on this
particular skill in the classroom. Another reason for this choice is that
sometimes it gives the less mathematically inclined student a chance to
shine and this leads to a greater love of math. It is a fun unit and the
children enjoy learning the skills. In using this mini-unit I would use
a glass container and pennies (or false money made of clay). The amount
of pennies would be determined by the grade level of the students. With
students in the first grade I would use just one guess (and this would
be agreed upon by the team in the cooperative groups.) In the second and
third grade I would have a guess and a guesstimate. The guesstimate would
be a second guess based on some added information or prompt. The fourth
and fifth graders would give a guess, a guesstimate, and an estimate.
This would provide additional data for use in the multifaceted activities
in these upper grades. This type of unit is non-threatening to the students
and everyone feels free to participate and become totally involved. It
also involves skills that are needed in real-life situations.
first graders would have a glass or plastic jar containing between twenty
and thirty pennies. Each group would be told to put heads together and
come up with a guess. As the groups report their guess, the group name
and guess will be recorded by the teacher. The information will be written
down on a chart by the teacher so that it can be used the following days.
Tell the number that comes before each team's guess |
Tell the number that comes after each team's guess |
Find the guess on the big classroom number line |
Find the guess on your own number line |
e) Use the number line to show which number is greater or less |
Use the pennies to show different ways to make a number Use pictures of
things the children could buy for those pennies and discuss prices
TWO These students will work in cooperative groups of 8-10
students depending on the class size. The number of pennies will be increased.
The amount should not exceed one hundred. The students will first submit
a group guess. The guesses will be recorded on the board. Then the pennies
will be arranged in piles of about ten. The pennies will not be counted
so the number will fluctuate from eight to twelve. The groups will then
take a guesstimate. All this information will be recorded on a large chart
for use during the activities.
a) Order the numbers guessed |
b) Tell if the numbers are odd or
even |
c) Use < and > to show comparisons |
d) Tell how many tens and ones in
each guess |
e) Add ten to each guess |
f) Discuss the range difference between
the guess column and the guesstimate column and discover why the range is
not so great |
g) Find the sum of each group's guess
and guesstimate |
h) Find out how much the pennies
weigh |
i) Discuss what are reasonable and
unreasonable guesses not necessarily the groups' guesses |
j) Decide what you could buy with
those pennies |
k) Show how you could make that amount
with coins other than pennies |
Generate simple word problems using the data recorded on the charts (
+ and - )
THREE The third graders could use an amount up to five hundred
pennies. They would first take group guesses. Then about half of the pennies
would be taken out of the container and counted. It is necessary for the
class to decide on what looks like " about half". The groups then make
a guesstimate. All information is recorded on a large chart for later
use. It would be beneficial at this grade level to make copies of the
charts for all the students.
Order the numbers |
Round the numbers to the nearest ten or hundred |
Identify numbers by using place value |
d) Express the guesses in different forms using the cent sign and dollar
sign |
Show many ways to express the amounts using bills and all kinds of coins |
f) Find the difference between the guesses and guesstimates |
Add 100 to each guess or guesstimate |
Discuss what you could buy with that amount |
Find the difference between the ranges in both columns |
Weigh the coins and discuss pounds and ounces |
Generate words problems using the data
FOUR The fourth graders will use an amount of pennies up to
one thousand. The groups will make a guess. Then about half of the pennies
will be counted and weighed and a group guesstimate will be given. Then
one hundred pennies will be counted and followed by a discussion of the
size of the pile. The remainder of the pennies will be divided into piles
of ABOUT one hundred. The piles will be made by eyeballing and not counting.
a) Ordering the numbers in all three
columns |
b) Find the range and find the differences
in each column |
c) Identify numbers by place value
d) Round the numbers |
e) Show the numbers in expanded notation |
f) Find the multiples of 2,3,5, and
10 |
g) Multiply each guess by 10 or 100
h) Find the mean in each column |
i) Find items in the newspaper that
you could buy for that amount of money |
j) Write the amounts in words |
k) Show half of the exact number
of pennies |
l) Tell how much of the real amount
each of the six groups would receive |
m) Tell how much each group member
would get |
n) Generate problems using all four
operations |
Decide what you would buy if you had that money
FIVE The initial activities for the guess, guesstimate and
estimate can be the same as those used with the fourth grade classes,
but you could increase the amount of pennies being used. All the group
activities that are listed for fourth grade can be used and expanded upon
for the fifth graders.
Show fractional parts of the whole group |
Find the mean, mode and average |
Use money to begin the study of decimals |
Use scientific notation for expressing numbers |
e) Find out how many quarters you would have with this amount of money |
Find out how many dimes you would have |
Explain good strategies for estimating.
- Pennies
can be substituted with local currency or other materials that represent
currency such as corn, rice, beans, rocks, bottle caps, etc.
- The
concept of estimation is used in daily life, the students may write
out or discuss all of the estimations or guesses they make in a day.
The teacher may make a list of daily estimations as a warm up exercise.
- The
teacher may make a chart of estimations vs. exact answers to enhance
the students understanding of the differences. For example 49 + 48 =
100 (Estimated) and 97 (Exact).
Louise Murphy, Scott Libby; Litchfield, AZ http://www.col-ed.org/cur/ |